Request active employment information today

Equifax offers solutions that help Workforce Agencies align and support the U.S. Department of Labor FY 2022-2026 strategic priorities

Workforce Development
Employment and Training

Building opportunity and equity for all by advancing training, employment, and return-to-work opportunities that connect workers to high-wage jobs, especially in ways that address systematic inequities.

Unemployment Insurance

Improving administration of and strengthening of workforce safety net programs by ensuring timely and accurate income support when work is unavailable.
Our solutions are designed to streamline the process for UI claims and to help workforce agencies comply with federal program guidelines, gauge the success of sponsored training programs, and track participants' progress.

Workforce Development Employment & Training - Automate Client Insights for Workforce Program Success

In order to comply with federal program guidelines, gauge the success of sponsored training programs, and receive continued funding, program results must demonstrate the participants' progress and eligibility. It is imperative to know program participants' history of income, employment, and other attributes to uncover potential barriers to employment and track client success.

Leverage data to find critical background information

Turn to Equifax for income and employment information, incarceration pointer data, and address history to get a clear picture of clients all prior to developing a reemployment plan.

Automate the ongoing measurement process

Decrease the need for time-consuming, ongoing surveys with your program participants. Equifax can help you check for client life changes on a regular basis.

Workforce Development Employment & Training Solution

Automate client insights for workforce program success.

Unemployment Insurance Expedite Payments and Increase Program Integrity

The Department of Labor (DOL) is providing millions of additional funds in grants to states that promote equitable access to Unemployment Compensation (UC) programs. For DOL, this includes eliminating administrative barriers to benefit applications, reducing state workload backlogs, improving the timeliness of UC payments , and ensuring equity in benefit access, payment detection, and recovery activities.
Equifax helps identify return to work faster, validate identities prior to issuing benefits, and properly pay eligible recipients based on their income and employment status.

Equifax offers solutions that can help address these barriers by helping identify return to work faster, validate identities prior to issuing benefits, and properly pay eligible recipients based on their income and employment history.

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Verify employment and income information faster

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Validate identity at the point of application

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Access to real-time incarceration pointer data

Unemployment Insurance Solution

Expedite payments and increase program Integrity.

Request Active Employment Information for your program

Understand how many program participants may be ‘actively’ employed to help UI agencies determine return to work faster and Workforce Development Employment & Training agencies streamline success measurement with automated data.